Project: Short Tracks is proud to present “Wiscasset Speedway" is a 3/8 mile high banked bullring with fully working pits and A.I. for 30 opponents. Once again, the “PST Team” has come together to bring you not only another recreation of one of America’s most popular and successful short tracks, but one of the most detailed short tracks ever created for NR2003.
The track is currently owned & operated by Richard & Vanessa Jordan of Kingfield, Maine, with racing action Saturday nights from April through October. The wide high-banked track continues to boast the fastest speeds to be found at any track in the state. Many of Maine’s true racing legends (Stan Messerve, Ralph Nason, Mike Rowe, Ben Rowe, Kelly Moore, Johnny Clark, Ricky Craven, Andy Santerre, etc) added to their resume’ by running the high banks of Wiscasset.
This NR2003 version of Wiscasset is an attempt to closely resemble the track as it appears in its current state. It is not, however, an exact replica, nor do the limits of NR2003 allow it to be.
The A.I. for this track were constructed using a default papy_ai.ini, the default
fast setups for each physics (CUP, GNS and CTS) and the opponent strength set at
97%. Ratings for the car sets used in testing and in developing the A.I. for this
track are from the NRatings program using the MasGrafx Full Season V3.1 formulas. We
went to great efforts to make the AI and racing as realistic as possible. At the
same time, we also took some liberties with the A.I. tools available in the
track.ini to enhance the "fun" factor. We're confident that you'll enjoy the offline
racing experience against the AI the way we have set them up for you.
To enjoy the best results, we recommend that you use the default fast setups
provided with the track and car/truck sets containing ratings as described above.
Your results and A.I. behavior, however, may vary depending on the type of mod used,
the ratings of your specific car set, different setups used, driving style, skill
level and countless other variables that make it practically impossible to predict
the results that you will achieve while racing on this track.
We hope that you enjoy the racing experience!
The following is a list of the people and members of Project: Short Track" who contributed to this project:
1. Matt Gilson: Graphic detailing and immersion, textures, horizons, start grids, cameras, Lps, AI (Artificial Intelligence, i.e. the computer controlled cars), quality assurance and testing.
2. Aaron Maynard: Banking,Pit Road.
3. J.R. Franklin: AI,(Artificial Intelligence, i.e. the computer controlled cars), quality assurance and testing. Pit Road, grip levels and 3dSimED help on the phone thanks bud!
4. Smiffsden: custom 3do object modeling, animated waving flags, lights, etc..
5. Robo19: Custom 3do track buildings and objects
6. Wayne "Bowtie" Anderson: custom 3do object modeling
7. Danny Coral: setups, Whelen and Goodyear haulers.
8. Charli Brown: WMT Haulers
9. NR2k3tracks.com, for their help and support.
10. To anyone else whom we may have unintentionally neglected to mention but contributed in the creation of objects that have been borrowed from other NR2003 tracks for this project, we sincerely apologize. Although you were not mentioned individually, your contributions to NR2003 and this track are greatly appreciated.
Be sure to checkout NR2003 Tracks - http://www.nr2k3tracks.com for all your up to date Nascar Racing 2003 Season mods and tracks, please report any issues with the track in the Wiscasset Speedway forum thread there.
If you appreciate our work, please consider a small donation to help with the costs of keeping the Smiffsden server running, thank you.
Wiscasset_Speedway_PST.7z (7zip Archive 27.7MB) 7zip Archive contains both DAY and NIGHT tracks.
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