La Crosse Fairgrounds Speedway |

Welcome to the La Crosse Fairgrounds Speedway! As I write this I’m about to start my 4th year racing around the .625 mile oval. Ever since track building became an option in the Papyrus gaming world I’ve wanted to build the speedway that I’ve called my home track since the 1980?s. Now, after a long long time I’ve been able to achieve it! I’ve spent over 6 months and an embarrassingly large amount of hours making this track as accurate as possible in both the driving aspects and the visual aspects. I believe you will have a great time. I’ve also spent a good 2 months getting the AI to run as true to life as possible as well. You will experience races with a couple yellows, some with no yellows, and some with more yellows than you want to see!
2 months of hard work on the AI and I believe it has paid off. Cars will block and protect the low line, race hard, and you will have a nice array of races ranging from caution free to too many cautions to count (which at our speedway is about the same…you never know what kinda race you’re going to see!). So you can perform well with the AI, I’ve included my own personal setups for the CUP, GNS, and CTS physics which I’ve renamed “fast” and “qualify.” The Cup & GNS setups are strong enough to compete well at 99% and 100% AI difficulty. The CTS, which I’m not as good at setting up, performs well at the 98 to 99% AI level.
I hope you enjoy the track. I’ve enjoyed making it.
Bill Martin
Special thanks to J.R. Franklin for the AI assistance
Carl Sundeberg for pit road on the day track assistance
Ian Smythe for advice and suggestions (and for the use of MANY 3DO Objects I’ve re-skinned)
Much appreciation to: Justin Mullikin, Brandon Grady, Danny Kane, Ronnie Hawley,
Phillip Purpura, and David Dubczak for beta testing the track
Copyright 2013 Bill Martin
Please report any issues with the track in the La Crosse Speedway forum thread at Sim Racing Design..
LaCrosse2012.7z (7zip Archive 20MB) 7zip Archive contains both DAY and NIGHT tracks.
Additional downloads, including LaCrosse Speedway carsets are available at Bill's website, http://noiseracing.com/
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